Monday, 7 March 2016

Holy Quran

           The word Quran literally mrans " to read" and the most readable book through-out  in this world is rhe quran. Allah almighty revealed the quran through angel Jibreal to rhe last prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the cave of Hira in Laila tulqadar ( th enight of power) and Allah himself took the responsibility to keep the holy quransafe and sound for the mankind till the day of judjement.
There are 114 chapters or surah in the holy quran among them 86chapters are makki and remaning 28 are madni chapters. there are 30 paras contaning 6666 verses in the Quranwith 7 stages. there are 14 verse on sajda in the Holy Quran and it is necessary for everyone to make a prostration when he receite those verses ...
Holy Quran has many other names according to the Quran itself like al-furqan, al-kitab,al-zikar,al-noor etc.Quran covers all the aspects of human life and it devide human into two groups ( belivers and disbelivers). you have to respect the Quran .


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